Some of you may already know from Facebook, but for those of you that don't.....I fell down!
Yup, I fell down in a handicapped parking space the day after Glitterfest. I didn't know the art business could be so rough, ha ha.
Anyway, to make a long story short, when I got home I went to the emergency room and after x-rays they pronounced it "not broken". So, a week whet by and still swelling etc. etc so.....I went back and low and behold, it's broken after all!! I have to say this last two weeks....well I have a new appreciation and gratitude that I am able to walk! We take so much for granted.....
By the way, I had a pretty good shiner but it has cleared up now.
I am also sorry to say that, I took my camera to Glitterfest, but.....I forgot to put the card in it, so no pictures! I still may try to confiscate a few from some of my fellow artists....we'll see.