I know.... I am so bad about keeping up with my blog. All I can say is I mean to, but.....I get distracted! I am very, very good at getting distracted and getting involved with some "project" and then what do I finally realize!?? I realize that days have gone by and it's been weeks since I posted anything.
I am currently working on my new website and am in the process of getting things uploaded. I also have a lollishop site and etsy and ebay and need to get new work uploaded there as well.
I am trying not to duplicate work on any of these sites, but there may end up being some duplication. Just want to make sure you all find me.
By the way thank you to everyone that has made such nice comments on my work. I may not show it sometimes, but I do appreciate it so much and every single one touches my heart and just......keeps me going. Thank You!!!
My new website is www.susiescottstudios.com or just type in www.susiescott.com