Monday, February 1, 2010

Making Progress.....

View Looking back into shop from the front door

Shelf with some of the things I have been unpacking. Just kind of placed things haphazard at the moment. Will finesse later.

Table in front middle of shop with some spring items that may go here. We'll see

I have finally been able to put some full days in, working in the shop and I'm really making some progress! The shop is starting to take shape! Yay! Still have so much to do, but I am feeling rather optimistic today and am getting excited about opening. The pictures aren't that great right now. I've been taking them from my cell phone. Will get some better shots soon..........

Bye for now from one rather tired girlie,


  1. Rest, Recoup, Revamp. You are really moving along Susie! I too see things beginning to take shape. I love watching this process. I too have to get my show room ready for spring. to work I go!

  2. oh my goodness~~you have been busy~~~how exciting!!

    It is starting look like a beautiful boutique!

    Take Care:)

    Kay Ellen

  3. looking like precision susie design. absolutly

    wonderful shop as only susie can do. I love it.

  4. Bravo Susie!!! So glad to hear you are doing well and I wish you all the best with the new fab shop. Hope to see you around.
    Cynthia Wadell
    Heavenly Hostess

  5. I miss these kind of boutiques , we used to have soooo many near my area but sadly they have all gone...I can't wait to see what it looks like when you're done!!!

  6. so glad that all you lost were candles - how scary. hang in there is looks absolutely eye candy stunning - i wish i could come over. it will all pay off in the end - you're such an amazing talent & decorator!

  7. wow it looks fantastic...cant wait for grand opening///much love.......
